Unveiling Deliverance One Episode At A Time!


In this episode of Liberty Unveiled, Bradley Hopp sits down with Pastor Sam as they delve into the Teshuah products especially the teas and coffee, sharing insightful knowledge concerning these products.

Join Bradley and Pastor Sam in this very educative conversation

Conversation Highlights

[01:39] The purpose of Teshuah Tea Company

[02:08} Bradley discusses a few of the Teshuah products

[03:15] What is the difference between a special blend and medium roast coffee

[07:17] The soil affects the flavor profile of the coffee

[12:40} Bradley sheds some light on the difference between Pu-erh coffee and Thai coffee

[19:18] Coffees and Teas grown on higher altitudes are usually the high-grade ones.

[24:07] Pastor Sam shares some tips on tea preparation for beginners

[29:29] What is the difference between a teacake and a normal loose leaf?

[33:27] “Pu-erh Fermented Tea inside a green mandarin orange”

[35:04] 500year old ancient tree Pu-erh dragon pearl tea ball

[39:06] Pu-erh Red Needle Loose leaf Black Tea

[45:07] Cranberry Twilight Loose Leaf Tea

[56:33] Brad’s Life verse


Remarkable Quotes:

[06:41} Good coffee shouldn’t taste like a teenage attitude

[56:59] Nothing we build here is eternal, It’s the people we build here that are eternal.

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