Unveiling Deliverance One Episode At A Time!


In this episode of Liberty Unveiled, Bradley Hopp and Pastor Sam share information about the problem of sex trafficking, the significance of Passover, and the consequences of fatherlessness as a fallout of our broken relationship with God.

Listen now and be enlightened

Conversation Highlights

[02:28] Teshuah has resumed shipping green tea and the Puer coffee

[02:54] Brad shares some knowledge about Thai coffee

[05:47] He also discloses some arrests and rescues made recently regarding sex trafficking

[15:35] Brad describes from recent experience how sex trafficking affects us all

[20:38] Jesus’ love is surrounded by His holiness but part of His love is His justice; We are not loving if we leave out Justice

[21:20] Enabling sin is not loving, you have to confront sin.

[26:44] There are different levels of sin but the antidote is the same

[28:07] Can a single mother raise a son to be a man?

[31:33] We are not created equal in function

[35:11] Is it a surprise in our society that since we have been absent towards our heavenly father, we would have our earthly fathers absent towards us?

[41:57] Exodus 13: Remembering our National birthday

[44:56] Brad describes some details about the Passover

[01:01:30] Change today because tomorrow’s even later.

[37:04] “When we have broken spiritual relationships as a nation, there is no doubt we will also have broken earthly relationships, because our horizontal relationships reflect our vertical one”

[01:06:19] Support the Teshuah rescue mission, visit www.deliverancetea.com and buy one of the products made by the girls (they get paid for their products but also get 50% of the profits after sales to final consumer)


Remarkable Quotes:

[20:54] “We are not loving if we leave out Justice”

[27:19] “You cannot love someone and enable their sin at the same time”

[36:55] ” We need the fathers in the home to actually step up and be fathers”

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