Unveiling Deliverance One Episode At A Time!


In this episode of Liberty Unveiled, Bradley Hopp takes a page from his family as he discusses Unity in the Christian Faith with Pastor Sam. They describe different roles that need to be played, from the family to the Nation as a whole.

Listen now and be inspired

Conversation Highlights

[02:25] Brad tells us a bit about his family, describing some peculiar qualities of his daughter, with emphasis on her strength but notwithstanding, willingness to follow a godly man, as should be emulated by all women today.

[05:55] If we are going to have a chance of restoring America, we have to restore Fatherhood and the leadership in the household.

[07:28] A quick recap of the story behind Liberty Unveiled Podcast and Teshuah Tea Company; their work rescuing girls from sex trafficking and the progress so far

[09:38] The tea for today’s episode; Pu’er Maofeng (Feather Mountain) Black Tea –from the Teshuah Tea Company

[27:09] One of the major problems in America is a gap in generational faith: there is a breaking of “Christian Generationalism”

[28:42] If you’re not influencing your child, then, Who is?

[29:47] The concept of “Brainwashing” in Christianity does not mean mindlessness. God wants us to be thoughtful as Christians (Haggai 1:5) but with a mind that is shaped and washed (cleansed) by His word

[34:10] Teshuah puts its money where its mouth is; helping to rescue girls from sex trafficking

[40:38] Escape from tyranny by David Barton, from the Founders’ Bible.

[46:24] Can you have liberty outside God’s word?

[48:05] America is at a point where we have to come back to these foundational documents and Understandings of truth; just as the rescued girls have to experience that personally, we as a nation have to experience it Nationally.

[48:55] If we as a nation can come together, we will see our nation turn around

[50:00] The nation that forgets God, God will throw that nation into hell. Psalm 9:17


Remarkable Quotes:

[27:38] “Parents, your job is to tell your children what’s right.”

[29:00] “We really should have our brains washed by God’s word.”

[30:22] “A wise man ponders his ways.”

[49:14] “No one has ever been saved without a confrontation of the cross.”

[49:45] “We are more than just individuals, alone we can’t make it.”

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