Unveiling Deliverance One Episode At A Time!


In this episode of Liberty Unveiled, Bradley Hopp continues the review of America’s history noting key events pivotal to the rooting of the American constitution in the gospel of Christ.
Listen now and be educated

Conversation Highlights

[03:48] A few recent major donations were received to help the girls being rehabilitated

[07:08] Brad shares a few books he encourages readers to get, by authors like Dr. Scott Stewart, Pastor Sam Jones and highlights their contents.

[09:59] The views of the Founding fathers on race; Brad expounds on the link between the charters and the Revolutionary war.

[12:38] Racial equality finds meaning in the sight of God, the races are equal.

[17:04] Highlights from the lives of past American presidents

[23:15] There is a wall between the government and the church but not between the church and the government.

[23:59] Our constitution is wholly unequipped and ill-prepared for an unrighteous people

[26:45] Your beginning does not determine your end; the story of Joseph.

[29:56] The story of Phillis Wheatley

[36:31] God is our healer, He wants to see you healed

[38:00] The majority of the Founding fathers were anti-slavery

[44:22] Sex trafficking is a modern form of slavery and you can help end today by saving victims; visit Deliverancetea.com and donate to the cause directly or by buying tea.

Remarkable Quotes:

[23:15] “There is a wall between the government and the church but not between the church and the government.”

[24:09] “Our government and constitution will only survive as long as moral people are in power.”

[27:14] “Your beginning does not determine your ending.”

[29:39] “God specializes in taking lemons and turning them into lemonade.”

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